This is a collection of publicity material for KIVA. Click on any of the images below to download the full-sized product.
This is KIVA's current publicity photograph. The full-sized color JPEG image is 1168x1494 pixels and 764kb in size.
This is KIVA's current publicity photograph. The smaller color JPEG image is 300x348 pixels and 144kb in size.
This is another KIVA publicity photograph. The grayscale JPEG image is 900x600 pixels and 336kb in size.
This is a KIVA promotional poster. The full-sized color PDF file is 2.9mb in size.
This is a KIVA foldable pamphlet describing the band and its music. The full-sized PDF file is black&white and suitable for printing on a laser printer. The file is 1mb in size.
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Revision Date: May 18, 2009